Many people do not know just how important your oral and gum health are. They are integral to your overall health and well-being. Our bodies are made up of systems that all connect to one another, so one area can greatly affect another. Who knew your gums and your heart were closely bound? What about your gums and your lungs? We will explain the connection between gum disease and other systemic diseases and health problems to help you understand the extreme importance of gum health. To get a more in-depth education on your gum health, consult the top periodontist in Los Angeles, Dr. Kao.
Category: Gum Health
How Does Gum Disease Start?
Whether you have been diagnosed with gum disease or are just beginning to experience symptoms you think could be gum disease, you are absolutely not alone. According to the CDC, nearly half of adults in the United States have some type of gum disease, this is where having an expert periodontist comes in handy.
Though some gum disease is much more serious than others, all of them are preventable if you are well informed about your own oral health, but undoing the damage is up to you!
What is Dental Crown Lengthening?
With all of the dental procedures out there, it can be difficult to figure out what is what. One such procedure that, while a common surgical procedure, is sometimes unknown to the general public (unless you or someone you know have had one) is dental crown lengthening.
To see a periodontist in Los Angeles, feel free to contact Dr. Kao, for dental services including dental crown lengthening, dental implants, and cosmetic gum sculpting.
What Causes a Receding Gum Line?
Receding gums are a common problem that tends to sneak up on people because it can happen gradually over a long period of time. In fact, many people don’t even know they suffer from receding gums until they begin to feel some tooth sensitivity or they happen to notice that one tooth looks a bit longer than the one next to it. Read on to learn what causes receding gums and how you can help prevent it.