Senior woman with dentures showing off her smile

Eating with Dentures

Adjusting to dentures can be a trying time in your life, especially as you get used to new changes in your mouth. The way you eat, smile, and even sleep may be different than you have been used to before. Dentures are an advanced treatment solution that can allow you the freedom of eating and functioning independently, the way you deserve. But getting used to the feeling can take a bit of time.

Here at the office of David S. Kao, trusted periodontist in Los Angeles, we want you to be as comfortable with your new installations as possible. Your dentures should feel like natural teeth in no time. This means that there are certain ways to eat that may help you live comfortably and happily.

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young woman covering lower half of face with orange sweater

What Causes a “Gummy” Smile and Can You Fix it?

You know what they say, “You are never fully dressed without a smile!” So if you are insecure flashing those pearly whites, you may feel like you are missing something to make you as confident as you can be. For many years, patients have looked to correct their “gummy” smile with Dr. Kao in order to achieve a look that makes them confident. For more information on correcting a “gummy” smile with the expert periodontist in Los Angeles, contact Dr. Kao today.

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Dentist with hands out, translucent tooth in her hands, blue background with bright lights

Foods to Avoid After Your Dental Implant Procedure

After even minor trips to the dentist for routine check-ups, you may be instructed to avoid eating to ensure that your treatment is as effective as possible. With more serious procedures, you may be instructed to not eat for a short period of time and then to only eat very soft or liquid foods for up to 7 days following treatment. This standard is important to maintaining the dental implants you’ve just received, as any deviation from the soft food diet could result in a malfunctioning implant.

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Dentists tooth plastic model with screw implant

What Are Your Options for a Missing Tooth?

If you have chipped or damaged a tooth beyond simple repair, replacing the missing component is an important next step to take. The process of replacing a missing tooth requires you to choose what kind of replacement should be used. Below, we’ve created a comprehensive list of replacement options for missing teeth and details about the benefits of each option. Find an exceptional doctor for dental implants in Los Angeles and get your radiant smile back when you contact Dr. Kao for your first consultation today!

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