Senior woman with dentures showing off her smile

Benefits of Dental Implants

Benefits of Dental Implants: Dental Implants Downtown Los Angeles Specialist

In the past tooth loss meant getting a bridge or a set of dentures. However, bridges and dentures don’t address bone loss in the jaw and can be extremely uncomfortable for some. Dental Implants reduce problems associated with diminished oral function due to tooth loss. Dental implants improve various forms of dental issues that bridges and dentures just can’t do, such as bite misalignment, muscle distress, and restricted chewing ability. See many more benefits of dental implants below. For a Downtown Los Angeles Dental Implants Specialist visit Dr. Kao.

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smiling woman head back in dentist chair, dentist inspecting her teeth

Gum Disease and Lung Cancer Risk

A recent study conducted by Chinese researches and published in the Journal of Periodontology studied the links between gum disease and lung cancer. The study assessed the evaluations of 321,420 participants with periodontal disease and the analysis even accounted for alcohol consumption as well as smoking habits among participants, still noting a 1.24-fold increased risk of developing lung cancer.

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5 Tooth Decay Signs To Be Aware Of

Tooth decay, or rotting teeth, is the result of poor dental hygiene caused by tooth enamel breakdown, the bacteria left on teeth produces cavities.

Everyone is capable of getting tooth decay, even children as young as a few months old. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with antibacterial mouthwash are imperative to avoiding tooth decay. However should you already need treatment for tooth decay there also exist great treatment options for tooth decay. Here are five signs that you may be experiencing tooth decay, and need treatment.

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How A Periodontist Can Easily Save Your Teeth

As you get older you may lose a tooth or two because of an accident related injury, gum disease, or a chronic disease that can cause you to lose all of your teeth. Whatever the case is, you will want to have a set of teeth that you can show off to the world for years to come. For this to happen you must communicate with your local periodontist. Here are a few things your periodontist want you to know:

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