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Do Dental Implants Feel Natural?

Dental implants are a popular modern solution for replacing missing teeth. Compared to other dental restorations, they offer multiple advantages. Implants have earned a reputation for looking natural in the mouth and providing cosmetic benefits, but do they feel natural as well? In this article, we answer this question and discuss the various advantages of dental implants.

Do Dental Implants Feel Natural?

Dental implants replace missing or decaying teeth. They utilize a metal post surgically inserted directly into the jaw bone. With time, the post fuses with the bone and becomes a new “root” for the dental crown placed on top of the implant. Thus, the structure of dental implants is very similar to that of natural teeth.

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What To Do If A Dental Implant Fails

Dental implant procedures are highly successful and have a positive completion rate of approximately 98 percent. However, dental implant failure can still happen due to various factors. But what should you do if a dental implant fails? In this article, we will discuss how a periodontal dentist can help in this situation.

What To Do If A Dental Implant Fails

The first thing you should do when a dental implant fails is to make an appointment with your dental implant specialist or with a periodontal dentist. In some cases, it is possible to repair a broken implant, but in others, it might be necessary to remove the old metal post and replace it with a new one. Whether a failed implant can be restored will depend on the cause of failure and the condition of your oral health—particularly the gum tissue and the jaw bone.

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Can You Replace Dental Bridges With Implants?

Both dental bridges and dental implants are suitable solutions for restoring missing teeth, and both come with their own benefits. However, dental implants are often thought to be a more long-lasting and comfortable restoration option compared to dental bridges. That is why many patients who have dental bridges ask our dental implants specialist: “Can you replace dental bridges with implants?” In this article, we will answer this question and compare two dental restoration solutions.

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How Are Dental Implants Made?

Dental implants can assist in restoring smile components that may have weakened as a result of damage or decay. They are often regarded as the most stable and dependable kind of denture that is currently available. Below, we look at how dental implants are made.

Nonetheless, before undergoing this kind of care, some patients might be interested in learning how these implants are created. The response to that query might take you by surprise.

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