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Top Causes of Gum Health Problems

Maintaining your gum health is essential for your oral health. This is because issues with your gum health can have serious consequences, including tooth loss, bone loss, and even problems with your overall health. Poor gum health has been linked to conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Understanding the causes of gum health problems is essential for preventing them from occurring. Below you will find the top causes of gum health problems so you can maintain your oral health.

Top Causes of Gum Health Problems

The health of your gums is integral to your overall oral health. It can also be important when it comes to your overall health, as your oral health and overall health are directly linked. Addressing gum health issues right away is important. Consider the top causes of gum health problems so you can keep your oral health in good shape.

Poor Oral Hygiene:

Gum health issues are caused by the buildup of bacteria and plaque on your teeth and gums. The buildup is caused by a poor oral care routine and not regularly visiting the dentist. Regular dental checkups can ensure the plaque is removed from your teeth, and your daily oral care routine can keep your teeth clean until your next appointment. Plaque buildup can lead to inflammation and infections, which can severely impact your gums.


Smoking is terrible for our overall health, but it can also have a serious impact on the health of your gums. It can increase your risk for gum disease and increase your risk for infection as it weakens your body’s immune system.

Family History:

Similar to many health issues, your family history can increase your risk for gum disease. Even with good oral care habits, some people are predisposed to gum disease. This does not mean that you should avoid a healthy oral care routine. In fact, you should be even more diligent and talk with your dentist about how you can take preventative measures to reduce your risk.

Hormonal Changes:

Hormonal changes can increase your risk for gum diseases. This is common during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. The hormonal changes cause changes in the way your body responds to certain bacteria in your mouth. This can make your gums more sensitive and prone to inflammation. Hormonal changes can also make it more difficult for your body to fight off infection.

Natural Aging:

While you cannot control this factor, your age can be a huge factor when it comes to your gum health. This is because your gums naturally recede as you age, making them more susceptible to oral health issues. Maintaining your oral health is a lifelong commitment, so it’s important to be proactive and talk with a periodontal specialist about ways you can improve your oral health.

Treating Gum Health Issues

A proper oral care routine can help prevent gum health issues. This includes daily brushing and glossing, in addition to regular visits to the dentist. However, once gum issues have impacted your oral health, it is important to get treatment. Depending on the specific issue, there are a variety of treatment options. Gum recession is a common gum issue, and one of the most effective treatment options is the pinhole surgery technique for gums.

A skilled periodontist can complete the non-invasive gum surgery to improve the health of your gums. It is safe, effective, and takes just a short time to compete. Once the surgery is complete, it’s important to manage your oral health. Dr. Kao is a skilled periodontist that specializes in effective treatment methods that address gum issues. Contact his office today to schedule an appointment!